TransConnector plugin for WPML


  • Detects automatically all your Website changes between two translation cycles
  • Extracts all content directly from your Website
  • Packages all content to be translated into a safe file format dedicated to translations (XLIFF)
  • Sends it all to your preferred translator
  • Imports in one click all your professional translations into your website
  • Increases translations quality and reuse terms and phrases at a lower cost
  • Populates all SEO related fields for each language to improve greatly your SEO ranking
  • And much more...

TransConnector main added values


  • Professional translators
  • Centralized translation memory
  • Optimized translation processes
  • Consistent translations across all media
  • Much faster translation delivery
  • Leverage previous translations investment
WPML is a one of the best plugin to manage Multilingual content within WordPress. If you used it for a while, you might agree that it's still quite a manual job to maintain all your POSTS / PAGES /  CONTENTS / ACF additions and updates in multiple languages.
This is where TransConnector comes into play...

WPML plugin add-on

WPML plugin add-on

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